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Purchase Profitable Urban Farming – Curtis Stone courses at here with PRICE $ $

I want to teach you how I earn $75k per year as an Urban Farmer.

All on ⅓ of an acre.

On land I don’t own.


Nope. Not at all.

And here’s the best part. You can do it, too.

My name is Curtis Stone and I am here to teach you how to become a successful Urban Farmer with my step-by-step Profitable Urban Farming course.


Earning a great living from farming is great, but it’s just one of the many benefits.

Being your own boss, attracting great people into your life, and spending your time how you choose, are just a few of the benefits of becoming an urban farmer.

I LOVE, and I mean I LOVE, getting up in the morning.

I spend my days doing meaningful work surrounded by great people.

I set my own schedule.

And I have no boss to report to.

I can honestly say becoming an urban farmer is the best decision I have ever made.

But, I haven’t always been a successful urban farmer…

In fact, my life was very different five short years ago…


I used to be the classic struggling musician.

I spent my summers as a tree planter busting my butt in the summers to fund my music “career” the other nine months.

There was no fame, no fortune, no dream lifestyle, and definitely no meaningful contribution to my community. Only a crummy van, some decent venues, and a few good friends. I had plenty of fun, but I certainly wasn’t building a future towards anything meaningful. And the trouble was, I was ready to start building my future.

The challenge was, I just didn’t know what to do, to find meaning in my life


Knowing that I needed to change course, I took the summer off to seek inspiration.

I decided to take a bike trip down the west coast of Canada and the US.

I met amazing people. I saw amazing things. And I was the fittest I had been since high school. After all, I was cycling 50 miles every day. It felt great.

Along the way, I stopped at a lot of organic farms.  I was inspired by all of the farmers  who shared my values for a better world, and were actually making a living based on those very values.

By the time I reached San Diego, I resolved to start an Urban Farm in my hometown of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.


Upon arriving home, it was fall, and time to make my urban farm a reality.

Knowing I wanted to get a farm started, I immediately became overwhelmed by everything there was to do.

After all, I had never grown a single vegetable, let alone sold anything.

I’ll repeat that…

I had no experience growing vegetables. None. And really, had never sold a thing. Nor wanted to.

Was I overwhelmed?



For sure.

Had a fear of failing?

You bet.

And worst of all, I just didn’t know where to start.


Fall turned to winter and I read every book I could get my hands on, went to workshops, and watched every YouTube video on Urban Farming. I tried to learn everything I could.

When springtime came around, I got my first piece of land, and started working, and working, and working.  And working some more.

I invested all of the money I had saved from my tree planting work, roughly $11,000.

I bought a rototiller, seeds, and a few other tools. Before long, I was growing my own produce.

I was thrilled to hold a tomato that I grew in my hands.

Before long, I was selling at the local farmer’s market, to the people in my community, and a few restaurants in town.

It felt great. I finally felt like I had a sense of purpose.

Before long, the initial excitement wore off, and the sense of overwhelm was back.

I was working 80 hour weeks and there was still more work to be done.

There just wasn’t enough time in the day to get everything done.

As soon as the heat of the summer hit, I hit a wall.  Hard.  I was burnt out.  On multiple occasions, I got so sick from being overworked that I threw up and had to take the following days off.

Something needed to change.

The problem? I had drive but no business savvy. I was working hard, but not smart.

At the end of that first season, I grossed $17,476. Pretty good for my first season doing something I had never done before, but then I calculated my hourly wage.

$1.45 an hour.


Take that in for a moment.

I had worked every waking moment the entire season and only earned $1.45 an hour.


Winter came, the snow fell, and I wanted to quit.

But I didn’t.

Instead, I resolved to make this work.

I knew there had to be a way to make this work.

It was time to measure what I was managing. Make every effort, every moment, and every action count.

It was time to go back to the drawing board, create a clean slate, and learn from experience.

Not my experience obviously, but those who had been down this path before me.

It was time to invest in my business education. I needed teachers to teach me… I needed a mentor.

Get Profitable Urban Farming – Curtis Stone, Only Price $89


I sought out mentors with experience that I could learn from.

Mentors who had lost money, made mistakes, and now were successful.

I met successful farmers and watched how they approached their businesses. Specifically, how they spent their time.

They did very counterintuitive things.  They worked less and earned more.

They taught me to value my time more than anything else.

The next season, I employed their tactics.  Using their philosophy, I changed my approach drastically.

And it worked.

In my second season I earned $61,540!  It was incredible.

Now in Year Two, I was paying myself well for my long hours and hard work.

Over the next several years, I refined my methods to where I now not only make a great living, but I also work great hours.

Other aspiring farmers started asking for my help. They wanted to know how they could achieve the same success that I had found.

I became the mentor for them that I wish I had when I started.

They increased their income, decreased their expenses, and worked less.

The messages poured in.

Aspiring farmers were sending in their tales of success: They had more time with their families, more connection with their community, and were more profitable than ever before.

In growing vegetables, I unexpectedly found a new passion, a love for mentoring new farmers on their path to success.


I’m here to help you.

Together with Luke Callahan, of Local Business Plans, we have filmed, written, edited, and provided a detailed step-by-step course aimed at one goal:

To make you profitable in your first year of farming. And every year moving forward.

Over the years, I’ve made a lot of mistakes.

I’ve lost money. I’ve bought bad seeds, wasted money on irrigation equipment, developed poorly worded land contracts, and been burned by non-paying chefs… and I’ve learned from it all.

These are all mistakes that you don’t need to make.

I recently ran the numbers and realized that I’ve spent over $54,400 and 5 years of my life getting my farm to where it is today: A Profitable Urban Farm!

This course is all of my experience condensed into a step-by-step path that you can follow to create your own success, in a fraction of the time it took me.

And it won’t cost you $54,400.

This course takes the feeling of overwhelm, fear, lack of knowledge, out of the equation for you and replaces it with the very best information to pair with your drive, to make a Profitable Urban Farm.

We can’t give you drive.  You will need to find that within yourself.  And when you do, we will help you to create a life that you love, while making money, and becoming an asset to your community.

Instead of struggling through your first year, working long hours, burning out, and wanting to quit while earning $1.45/hour, you can learn this system and become profitable in your first season.

No burn out. No wasting time in the field. And no throwing up.

But if you do trip up along the way, we are here for you.

You’ve got the drive, and we’ve got the step-by-step path for you to follow.

Let’s get started together.

5 Reasons to become an urban farmer


The demand for high quality, locally produced food has never been greater. Restaurants will pay top dollar to get their produce from you. It is the perfect time to get started and take advantage of the opportunity to earn a great living for yourself.


I’ve never been more excited to get up in the morning and get to work. Everyday is different, you get to be your own boss, spend your days outside working with the land. Beyond the daily routine, the community that forms around you is something you’ll never understand until it happens to you. It’s such a special thing.


I turn down offers to farm other people’s land weekly. Once you get started and show people what their yard can look like, you’ll have more land than you know what to do with, and all for the price of a weekly share of veggies. The important thing is to get started on that first piece of land and show others what you can do.


Soon people in your community will look to you for guidance, and not just with their gardens. Because urban farming seems so unconventional, (it’s not) people will be in awe at what you’ve been able to accomplish and want your help in creating success for themselves.


By starting an urban farm, you are planting your flag and showing the world exactly what you believe in. People will take notice, and soon you’ll be interviewed on the local news, radio, and blogs. Other entrepreneurs in the community will want to create businesses with you. You’ll have no shortage of other opportunities to take on, if you want them.


1. Who am I to be a farmer? I’ve never grown anything before.

Before I started, I had never even had my own garden. That wasn’t much of an issue at all. You learn as you go. The biggest challenge, is just making a commitment and getting started.

2. It’s going to be too hard to learn

There is certainly a lot to learn when you’re just getting started. There’s no doubt about it. But, because you will have my systems to learn from, you will learn in one year, what has taken me five years to master.

3. I’ll need to own all of the land.

Absolutely not! I have more land than I can deal with, and I pay for each parcel with one basketful of produce per week. You will never have a problem getting high quality land to grow on.

4. People already have all the produce they need

Everyday, more and more people are demanding the highest quality, freshest produce there is. When you are one of the people producing it, you will never have trouble selling it to your customers.

5. I can’t do this. It is too overwhelming/confusing/takes too much time!”

Others have certainly gotten overwhelmed, and burnt out, when they were starting their urban farms. Heck, I almost did. Which is exactly why I have created this course. By going through this course, you will be able to make each task manageable, get it done, and easily move on to the next task without feeling overwhelmed.

6. I don’t know absolutely everything there is to know about farming. I can’t start until I do.

You will never know everything about farming! And the only way to master it is to get started. Farming is not that hard. I have laid out the step-by-step plan for you to follow. Now, it’s up to you to make it happen.


Imagine…You have your land and your crops are growing. Your customers are lining up to buy from you at the farmer’s markets. The chefs in town are calling you and telling you they have heard about your produce and want you to come deliver some samples.

At the market, people tell you:  “I love your produce, where is your farm?”

You get to tell them that it’s a couple blocks away on what used to be someone’s lawn!

Not growing conventionally on large acreage farms. Nope, you are farming on people’s yards!

Get Profitable Urban Farming – Curtis Stone, Only Price $89


I’ll tell you exactly what to do step-by-step, and keep you organized.

Eliminate confusion.

You will have a concrete plan to follow, based on my own success.

Pretty cool, right?

You’re probably thinking, “Will this work for me?”

Here’s what I can say about that.

I obviously can’t guarantee how much money you will earn this season, it takes a lot of hard work after all.

But, I CAN give you the exact blueprint for success. The same blueprint I use to train my employees.

Over the past five years, I’ve gone through all of the “figuring it out” so you don’t have to.

And that is exactly what you will be getting with Profitable Urban Farming.

The exact proven step-by-step system I have used to create my success.

No confusion. No ambiguity. Complete hand holding. I will tell you exactly what to do and walk you through the entire process.


This Profitable Urban Farming Course is designed for those who have a strong work ethic and a desire to live their values.

It isn’t designed for folks who aren’t motivated enough to work for themselves, take initiative, or to hustle to be the change they want to see in the world.


Module #1: Getting Started with the Course

  • Unit 1 – Welcome to The Course
  • Unit 2 – Setting up Disqus
  • Unit 3 – Introduce Yourself
  • Unit 4 – Accountability Partners
  • Unit 5 – Quick Start Guide

Module #2: Your Customers

  • Unit 1 – Intro to Your Customers
  • Unit 2 – Restaurants
  • Unit 3 – Farmer’s Markets
  • Unit 4 – Wholesale Accounts
  • Unit 5 – CSA’s

Module #3: Your Products

  • Unit 1 – Intro to Your Products
  • Unit 2 – Greens
  • Unit 3 – Herbs
  • Unit 4 – Root Crops
  • Unit 5 – Summer Crops
  • Unit 6 – Microgreens

Module #4: The Weekly Sales Plan

  • Unit 1 – How Much Do You Want to Earn?
  • Unit 2 – What Products Will You Sell?
  • Unit 3 – Who Will Buy Your Produce?
  • Unit 4 – How Much Are You Earning Each Week?
  • Unit 5 – Create and Review Your Weekly Sales Plan

Module #5: The Planting Plan

  • Unit 1 – Crop Data – Yields & DTMs
  • Unit 3 – Creating Your Planting Plan
  • Unit 4 – Seed Buying Guide

Module #6: Branding

  • Unit 1 – Define Yourself
  • Unit 2 – Create a Simple Website
  • Unit 3 – Start Building Relationships
  • Unit 4 – Social Media

Module #7: Business Administration

  • Unit 1 –  Register your business
  • Unit 2 – Bank Account
  • Unit 3 – Liability Insurance
  • Unit 4 – Taxes
  • Unit 5 – Accounting Options

Module #8: Marketing

  • Unit 1 – Farmer’s Markets
  • Unit 2 – Restaurants

Module #9: The Numbers

  • Unit 1 – Measure Everything
  • Unit 2 – Income
  • Unit 3 – Expenses
  • Unit 4 – Profit

Module #10: Your Team

  • Unit 1 – The Roles
  • Unit 2 – Methods of Compensation
  • Unit 3 – Attracting the Right People
  • Unit 4 – The Interview
  • Unit 5 – Make a Selection
  • Unit 6 – Hire your New Employee
  • Unit 7 – Letting Employees go
  • Unit 8 – Helping Employees Grow


Module #1: Get your Land

  • Unit 1 – Get the word out
  • Unit 2 – Identify the Prospects
  • Unit 3 – Qualify the plot
  • Unit 4 – Agree on the terms

Module #2: Infrastructure + Tools

  • Unit 1 – Bed Prep
  • Unit 2 – Nursery Equipment
  • Unit 3 – Planting
  • Unit 4 – Seeds
  • Unit 5 – Irrigation
  • Unit 6 – Weeding
  • Unit 7 – Harvesting
  • Unit 8 – Washing
  • Unit 9 – Drying
  • Unit 10 – Cold Storage
  • Unit 11 – Season Extension
  • Unit 12 – Transportation
  • Unit 13 – Market Prep
  • Unit 14 – Farmer’s Market Gear

Module #3: Plot + Bed Prep

  • Unit 1 – Plan the plot
  • Unit 2 – Prepare the Plot
  • Unit 3 – The beds and Walkways
  • Unit 4 – Turning Over the Beds
  • Unit 5 – Prepare the Beds to be Planted
  • Unit 6 – Fertility

Module #4: Planting

  • Unit 1 – Direct Seeding
  • Unit 2 – Transplanting
  • Unit 3 – Nursery
  • Unit 4 – Microgreens

Module #5: Irrigation

  • Unit 1 – When to Water
  • Unit 2 – Drip Systems
  • Unit 3 – Overhead Systems
  • Unit 4 – Examples

Module #6: Pests + Weeding

  • Unit 1 – Identify Your Pests
  • Unit 2 – Pest Prevention
  • Unit 3 – Pest Mitigation
  • Unit 4 – Identify your Weeds
  • Unit 5 – Weed Prevention
  • Unit 6 – Weed Mitigation

Module #7: Harvesting

  • Unit 1 – Harvesting Principles
  • Unit 2 – Harvesting Methods

Module #8: Processing

  • Unit 1 – Processing Principles
  • Unit 2 – Processing Methods

Module #9: Season Extension

  • Unit 1 – Season Extension Principles
  • Unit 2 – Season Extension Methods
  • Unit 3 – Overwintering




  • Rocket


  • Restaurant Price: $10
  • Restaurant Units: Pounds
  • Restaurant Pounds/Unit: 1
  • Farmer’s Market Price: 3
  • Farmer’s Market Units: Pounds
  • Market Pounds/Unit: .25
  • Customer: Restaurants, Farmer’s Markets
  • CVR: 4
  • $/Ft*Day: $0.23
  • Quick or Steady: Q


  • DS, TR: DS
  • Jang Roller/Earthway Plate: F-24
  • Rows/Bed: 9
  • Seed Weight/25′ bed: 21g


  • Plants/Bed:
  • Cell Flat:
  • Days in Nursery:


  • Walkway Width: 6″
  • In-Row Spacing:


  • DTM: 35
  • Yield/25’bed: 20 Pounds
  • Yield/Bed-Ft: .8
  • Harvest Method: QGH


How much will I need to invest in Profitable Urban Farming?

For The Profitable Urban Farming course you will be paying $997.

$997 isn’t cheap. Is it worth the investment?

Well, you could spend the two full years it took me to become profitable or hire me for 1 on 1 consulting and spend thousands.

Or you can leverage the thousands of hours that Luke and I have invested in developing this course to get started right away for pennies on the dollar. We made this course with my novice-self in mind. If I could go back in time and take this course in my first season, I absolutely would. It’s the difference in finding success in season one versus struggling like crazy and finding it 2 years later.

And because you get instant access, you can get started right away (no waiting for anything in the mail… As I said before, everything is online and ready for you to consume/download at your own pace).

Here is one way to think about it:

Imagine making a $350 sale of produce to a new restaurant client… in just 3 weeks, you’ve recouped your investment.

Or, if you produce an extra 20 pounds of salad greens each week, using these techniques, @ $8/pound, you have earned your money back in just 7 weeks.

Or if you save 20 hours of labor each week, by using these systems @ $10/hour, you’ve saved the money in just 5 weeks.

We know cash is tight when you’re getting started, so we’ve made it as easy as possible for you to get started today. We’re doing everything we can to make it a no-brainer to get started so you can become successful as soon as possible.

As soon as you purchase, you will get immediate access (via user name and password) to Profitable Urban Farming.

  • Lifetime access and login 24/7 (it is all digital + downloadable so you can login to access the content at any time)
  • Content is available to view online and the resources come in a variety of formats (.xlsx, .docx, and .pdf)


Curtis Stone is the owner/operator of Green City Acres, an urban farm based in Kelowna, BC.

He has been farming for over 5 years on half an acre. He sells his produce to local restaurants and farmer’s markets.


Luke Callahan’s mission is to help you succeed with your local business. He started by building a profitable Microgreens business, Nightlight Farms, in Portland, Oregon using Curtis’ urban farming techniques. After experiencing success with Nightlight Farms, he has focused on working with all-star entrepreneurs like Curtis to give you the step-by-step plan to follow in their f

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Profitable Urban Farming – Curtis Stone
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