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Recognizing this intelligence, the power it has to heal us individually and collectively and our biological inseparability from it, is the beginning of reverence for plants — which really is the beginning of a sacred relationship with nature. This program offers a gateway to ecological spirituality — the antidote for the destruction and suffering we are causing ourselves and all life on Earth.

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Recognizing this intelligence, the power it has to heal us individually and collectively and our biological inseparability from it, is the beginning of reverence for plants — which really is the beginning of a sacred relationship with nature. This program offers a gateway to ecological spirituality — the antidote for the destruction and suffering we are causing ourselves and all life on Earth.

Purchase Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution – David Crow courses at here with PRICE $297 $62

Receive Profound Insight, Practices, and Teachings for Connecting More Deeply to the Natural World and Harnessing the Power of Plants for Your Health, Wellbeing, and Spiritual Transformation

Have you long suspected there’s much more to understand about plants, spirituality, and your connection to the natural world?

Have you been fascinated about systems of natural medicine like Ayurveda, Chinese wisdom, and working with herbs?

Are you curious about how essential oils and herbs affect your moods and shift your consciousness?

Questions like these lead us toward a profound new understanding of medicinal plants, one that links our biology, our ecology, the growth of our consciousness, and our felt sense of connection with all of life.

Scientific evidence now shows that plants are sentient beings that are connected in profound, complex, and mysterious ways to the health of our bodies and minds.

We generally think of plants as sources of food, and sometimes we recognize their healing powers when they help us cure an illness, but we may not be aware of many crucial functions they perform continually inside us.

Becoming aware of these activities through simple methods of mindfulness and contemplative study opens our eyes to our deep biological unity and intimate interconnectedness with life.

Through the photosynthetic actions of plants we are directly connected to the sun; we can learn to feel this unity in the metabolic warmth of the body.

We breathe together with plants: every breath can become an opportunity to feel our kinship with other living beings that nourish us.

Plants, therefore, offer essential keys to spiritual evolution, if we know how to commune with them to discover the expressions of their life-giving intelligence.

We’ve been trained to relate to the plant kingdom in a mechanistic way, cutting us off from the benefits of a real relationship with the natural world, which affects our relationship with people as well.

Becoming sensitized to our deeper biological interconnectedness is a kind of spirituality that deconstructs our false notions and identities. Feeling yourself connected to the sunlight moves you into realizing everyone is, quite literally, made out of sunlight.

As we create a different kind of relationship with plants, the path opens to a kind of spiritual awakening that is grounded, earthy, and sustainable, one where we become intimately interconnected with the intelligence of nature in a very tangible way.

The links between medicinal plants and our spiritual evolution has been deeply studied in ancient systems of natural healing such as botanical medicine, Ayurveda, and Chinese medicine.

When you connect with the deep sentience, wisdom, and healing power within the plant kingdom, your eyes are opened to new realms of knowledge, and you come home to your body and life in a different way.

As you begin to experience your biological unity with the plant kingdom, you embark on an exciting voyage in consciousness that can open you up to a new understanding of medicinal herbs, aromatherapy, meditation, and spirituality.

This manifests in many ways, from the kind of herb gardens you grow to how you use essential oils in your practice.

For instance, when we smell an essential oil such as lavender, we can begin to perceive that it conveys elements of the earth, and moonlight and sunlight directly into our consciousness. So lavender is relaxing but what we’re looking at is why because it’s conveying something from the outer environment into our internal environment.

By understanding plants in a more multidimensional way, we open up a deeper cosmological view and a more dynamic relationship with the life force around us. We cultivate more prana or chi. We harmonize our bodily systems. We heal old traumas.

You can envision this new relationship with the plant kingdom by thinking of it in terms of growing new and deeper roots for embodied living. This strengthened root system in your consciousness allows you to weather metaphorical storms, droughts, and other life challenges.

This increase in groundedness applies not just at the personal level but the collective one. If we’re trying to grow a healthy new culture, we need to deepen our roots by connecting to the biological realities that allow us to grow in a way that’s sustainable.

Put simply, by reconnecting with plants, we re-establish a relationship with the ground of being.

Our planet is in ecological crisis at least partially because we have grown to see ourselves as separate and “above” nature in a way that leads us to be destructive, wasteful and neglectful, not to mention unhealthy and unhappy.

The Value of an Expert Guide

There is perhaps no better guide for the journey into a new paradigm of relating to the plant kingdom than Floracopeia founder David Crow, LAc, who unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices into a coherent understanding.

For more than 30 years, he’s pioneered a path that’s about harnessing the power of plants to infuse more intelligence in your body, mind, and soul — giving you a more organic wisdom and sustainable connection with life.

David will show you how to relate more deeply with medicinal plants for rejuvenation, awakening, and health.

He’ll draw from strands as diverse as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and essential oils to shift the foundation of how you relate to plants — from seeing them as mechanistic objects to wise, sentient allies.

Practical Tools for Bringing Plants Into Every Aspect of Your Life

You’ll receive a profound understanding for working with medicinal plants, food plants, flowers, aromatic ceremonial plants, and essential oils as a doorway into understanding spiritual realities about the interconnectedness of life.

In every class, you’ll gain important practical information about medicinal plants that can be applied for several health imbalances. However, the primary focus of this course is to develop a greater sensitivity to learning how to receive the many benefits of herbal medicine and understand the deep and ancient intelligence that plants have carried long before humans appeared.

Recognizing this intelligence, the power it has to heal us individually and collectively and our biological inseparability from it, is the beginning of reverence for plants — which really is the beginning of a sacred relationship with nature. This program offers a gateway to ecological spirituality — the antidote for the destruction and suffering we are causing ourselves and all life on Earth.

During this 7-module Program You’ll:

  • Increase your increased sensory awareness of your interconnectedness to nature and plants and feel your biological unity beyond a conceptual level
  • Access the 4 levels of using herbs in Tibetan and Ayurvedic medicine, from medical to spiritual
  • Discover how to utilize plants to enhance your immunological, neurological, and emotional intelligence
  • Develop new ways to work with energy, consciousness, and healing
  • Understand how rejuvenation and detoxification therapies can support your spiritual evolution
  • Discover the differences between the molecular intelligence of medicinal plants and pharmaceutical drugs
  • Learn how to use classical meditation methods such as Vipassana to cultivate ecological spirituality
  • Establish more botanical intelligence and understand how that relates to increasing your own chi and health
  • Increase your olfactory awareness and expand your ability to taste foods, notice body sensations, and become more aware of the toxicity around you (in home, in food), allowing you to create a healthier, happier environment
  • Release toxic patterns and get natural feedback from your body, enhancing your health and spiritual evolution
  • Develop discernment of the internal healer — the awareness about what to eat, what to avoid and which products to use

This program is appropriate for professionals in any discipline who work with herbs, plants, oils, or energy, as well as any person who is intrigued by the healing and personal evolutionary benefits of botanical medicine.

This course will draw from David’s more than 30 years of studying the healing powers of plants in various cultures with many gifted teachers, from the shamanic traditions of the Amazon to the alchemical mysteries of the Himalayas and the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. It’s a unique offering of knowledge, information, and insights that we’re sure you’ll find deeply enriching as well as practical.

What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules

In this 7-module transformational intensive, David will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies to become attuned and aligned to your deeper biological interconnectedness with the plant kingdom. You’ll develop a broader spiritual lens that will support a deconstruction of false notions about your relationship with plants, and you’ll learn how to work with energy, consciousness, and healing in new ways.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles of evolutionary healing with plants as you connect to the greater biological realities of creating a sustainable culture that supports all.

MODULE 1: The Evolution of Light Into Consciousness
Cultivating Awareness of Biological Unity & Understanding Its Importance to Human Survival

Spiritual traditions arose from a deep relationship to the cycles of nature and its universal healing powers. For Indigenous cultures, everyday life was built on the foundational awareness of the human biological relationship with the surrounding environment as well as the greater cycles. Cultivating awareness of our intimate relationship with plants and the elements of the earth develops a relational and integral understanding of ecological spirituality as a basis for natural compassion — which builds a collective awareness and natural effort to protect and restore the life sustaining powers of the biosphere.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • An exciting perspective on our spiritual evolution and the powerful role ecology plays in it
  • The evolution of light into consciousness which builds natural compassion
  • How to transcend superficial identities at the root of global conflicts
  • A profound realization of shared humanity grounded in nature
  • What it means to be in sacred relationship with the biosphere
  • Ways your relationship with plant communities serves as a path to cultivating ecological spirituality
  • An understanding of your dependency on plants, cultivating an awareness of biological unity

MODULE 2: Botanical Intelligence Plants as Agents of Nature’s Self-Organizing Intelligence

By understanding the intelligence of medicinal plants and how this intelligence functions in the biosphere and the human body, we can bring plants into our lives to enhance our immunological, neurological and emotional intelligence, medically empower ourselves and support our spiritual evolution — both individually and in communities.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to harness the medicine from plants as agents of nature’s self-organizing intelligence
  • Powerful ways to treat elemental imbalances of both the body and biosphere with medicinal plants
  • The 5 root causes of diseases, and how they are solved by the intelligence of food and medicinal plants
  • Which are the most important herbs for you to grow in a home medicinal garden

MODULE 3: Children of Flowers Our Biological Relationship With Flowering Plants

The foundation of our food chain is flowering plants. With genetically modified foods and mass monoculture production, we’ve lost a natural relationship with flowering plants. In societies across the world, we see imbalances in our agriculture, food plants, and the quality of nutrition — which are both a cause and result of our collective consciousness. Now is an opportunity to develop a spiritual relationship with food and rebuild a solid and sustainable alliance with plant diversity and flowering plants.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • The evolutionary nature of angiosperms and the creation of a flowering plant
  • The biological relationship between flowers, nectar, and the essence of food plants
  • Ways to work with nutrient essences as the basis of consciousness, immunity, and contentment
  • What GMOs have to do with the disturbance of botanical intelligence and the threat to all spiritual evolution
  • Universal themes of spiritual agricultural traditions that enhance our spiritual relationship with food
  • The importance of the ecological basis of seed sharing and genetic diversity

MODULE 4: Soma
Elixirs for Rejuvenation, Longevity, Wisdom & Transcendence

Many plants are legendary for their abilities to produce visionary states, enhance meditation, support healthy brain functions, and slow aging. These plants have been applied in botanical medicine to reverse health imbalances and to maintain long-term wellbeing. And their visionary capabilities have been harnessed in sacred ritual and sacramental ceremonies as important plant allies for spiritual evolution.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • The legend of Soma as well as this plant’s effects on brain chemistry
  • The impact of plant allies on Vedic traditions and development of Chinese medicine
  • When and how substances support spiritual evolution, including entheogens as visionary plants that awaken higher consciousness and elevate the spirit out of the mundane world
  • Contemporary ritual traditions of divine botanical sacraments
  • The 4 levels of herbal treatments, according to Tibetan medicine
  • The 2 levels of alchemy, according to Taoism
  • Rasayana (rejuvenation) and Vajikarana (aphrodisiac) therapies
  • How Human Growth Hormone, endorphins, and serotonin impact our day-to-day wellbeing

MODULE 5: The Perfumed Garden
Plants, Olfaction & Consciousness

The olfactory system transmits the intelligence of botanical aromatic molecules directly to the brain. The link between the breath, the limbic system, and the healing powers of plants provides us with a powerful yet easily accessible tool to enhance meditation, concentration, and memory and reinforces positive mental and emotional states.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • How breath is the most direct path to experiencing biological unity
  • The link between the atmosphere, breath, brain, and consciousness
  • How sensory intelligence is related to spiritual evolution
  • The impact of climate change and extreme weather is a message from nature to pay attention
  • The vital links between olfaction, memory, moods, creativity, and emotional states
  • How to use aromatic plants to calm, balance, and uplift your body, mind, and spirit
  • The concepts of Shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Prana Vata in Ayurveda
  • How stress disorders, depression, and anxiety can be opportunities for spiritual evolution, and ways that plants may serve as teachers in these processes

MODULE 6: Wish-fulfilling Gems
Ceremonial Plants for Removing Obstacles, Creating Synchronicity & Attracting Good Fortune

Many plants have been used for millennia for their aromatic powers to uplift the mind, balance the emotions, enhance immunity, and remove pathogens, thereby removing various kinds of negativity, stimulating creativity, manifesting intentions, and supporting spiritual evolution.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • How to engage the tradition of the Vedic fire ceremony, homa, involving aromatic offerings to please the celestial devas (intelligence of the atmosphere), as a practice for uniting heaven and Earth
  • Charaka’s prophesy of global warming from 2,500 years ago and its vital message for today.
  • Ways epidemics are the result of corrupt governments
  • The wish-fulfilling gems and how to use these botanical gifts to enhance spiritual practice
  • The sacred scents as important ceremonial plants used for prayer, protection, and blessings
  • The nature of the “primary plants” and how to use them to receive medicinal and spiritual benefits
  • What is sattvic synchronicity and how it can be created with ceremonial plants and scents

MODULE 7: Freedom & Fulfillment
Medicinal Plants, Detoxification & Spiritual Evolution

Many plants have been used for millennia for their aromatic powers to uplift the mind, balance the emotions, enhance immunity, and remove pathogens, thereby removing various kinds of negativity, stimulating creativity, manifesting intentions and supporting spiritual evolution.

During this session, you’ll discover:

  • The role of medicinal plants in removing the obstacles to the Four Aims of Life in Ayurveda
  • How to cure illness, detoxify, increase vitality, strengthen immunity, improve mental functions, balance emotions, and become free from addictions with medicinal plants, essential oils, and food
  • The joy of bringing the powers of fresh herbs into our homes, including the basic herbs that support Soma and rejuvenation
  • How to develop a closer relationship with the intelligence of plants, including the role of nutrition, ojas, and Soma in creating contentment, comfort, and happiness
  • The importance of high quality natural food, the flow of nutrients through the body and our inseparability from food production methods
  • Basic herbs that support Soma and rejuvenation
  • The importance of essential oils for balancing moods and mental states.
  • Powerful insights into the key sacred scents that support meditation, prayer and intention.
  • Detoxification and spiritual evolution.
  • What medicinal plants do that pharmaceutical drugs do not.
  • The two roots of illness in Traditional Chinese medicine.

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Medicinal Plants & Spiritual Evolution – David Crow
Original price was: $297.00.Current price is: $62.00. Add to cart