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  • This course is available – Download immediately
  • Same author: Gregg Braden
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  • Over +12,000 Courses, AudioBooks, eBooks available.

Purchase Human by Design – Gregg Braden courses at here with PRICE $297 $64

Replace limiting beliefs you’ve learned and inherited with a new self-empowering perspective…

Activate your innate potential to self-heal, create an enhanced immune response at will, and turn conscious choices into subconscious habits.

Awaken your capacity for deep intuition, empathy, and compassion — and deepen your heart-brain connection for greater resilience.

A question for you: Are you who you think you are… or are you more than you’ve ever dreamed possible?

A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that advanced human capacities are built into you at a cellular level.

This new evidence is validating the ancient mystical understanding that you have the capability to accelerate your growth through the use of consciousness-raising practices that can dramatically shift your health, neurobiology, and even the genes that affect your lifespan.

In short, new science is leading us to question 150 years of scientific beliefs, including the model of evolution by random natural selection. Instead, science is now pointing us in the direction of being conscious co-creators and architects of our reality and redefining the way we think of ourselves — our origin, our capabilities, and our potential.

It’s a journey from “evolution by chance” to “transformation by choice” — a shift that changes the way you think about yourself and your relationship to your body and our world.

This shifts you into being the DESIGNER of your life — a far more empowering, uplifting, adventurous story of opportunity than the old evolutionary view that kept us stuck, limited, and traumatized.

This upleveled story is not just a feel-good pep talk but is based on peer-reviewed science that shows we have the ability to self-regulate so many things that we once thought we were stuck with.

For instance, when you learn to harmonize your heart with your brain, you can reduce stress, access advanced states of creativity, and actually insulate your body from the typical breakdowns from aging.

When you enter gamma states, you can engage in “super-learning” that allows you to assimilate new information far faster. You can increase your empathy, intuition, and deeper wisdom.

In fact, virtually every positive capacity you have can be lifted to the next level when you truly own your latent ability.

At the deepest level, the new human story is about shifting your consciousness in order to shift the very foundations of your biology.

As you make this shift, the more confident you’ll feel, the less you’ll fear other people, and the less you’ll fear change in your life.

And when you change your perspective on what’s possible, you expand your vision of what you’re capable of achieving and becoming.

The certainty of knowing who we are, and how we fit into the world, is the compass that can guide us as we make our choices one day at a time. — Gregg Braden

Access the Mystical Powers That Lie Dormant Within You

If you’re curious about this science and how consciousness-shifting practices can contribute to you living a more peaceful, thriving, and radiantly healthy life?

… there are few people who are braver, bolder, or more brilliant to guide you into this exciting new world than Gregg Braden, one of the world’s pre-eminent teachers at the interface of science and spirituality.

In search of sacred wisdom, Gregg has traveled to remote locations throughout the world, from the pristine highlands of central China… to monasteries in Tibet… to the deserts in Egypt… to the aborigines in Australia… to the remotest parts of Nepal and India… to the Andes Mountains of Bolivia and Peru… to Indigenous cultures throughout the desert southwest.

His findings are in direct alignment with the rock-solid science that now tells us we are more than what we’ve been told… and more than you’ve ever imagined!

Incredibly, you too have access to the seemingly superhuman powers that have been traditionally relegated to mystics, yogis, monastics, and shamans located in monasteries and mountaintops halfway around the world.

What’s more, you don’t have to travel to these sacred locations to communicate with your subconscious… summon deep intuition… stimulate an enhanced immune response… activate longevity enzymes… and move into the gamma state to access deep levels of perception…

New research points to an underlying intention in the precision within our DNA that gives us our uniqueness. Although scientists haven’t yet identified that intention, its source or its motivation, we now have enough clues to begin expanding our definition of what it means to be human.

For the first time in the history of modern science, we’re writing a new human story — an empowering story of hope and possibility — that gives us a new answer to the timeless question at the core of our existence: Who are we?

Receive Tools and Techniques to Access Your Inner Resources

In Human by Design, Gregg Braden, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, invites you on a journey to the frontiers of healing and self-transformation, beginning with the fact that we are even more empowered and connected with ourselves and the world than scientists once believed possible.

In one of the great ironies of the modern world, the science that was expected to solve life’s mysteries has done just the opposite. New discoveries have called into serious question 150 years of scientific thinking, created deeper mysteries, led to more unanswered questions, and brought us to the brink of forbidden territory when it comes to explaining our origin and existence.

In Human by Design, Gregg crosses traditional boundaries of science and spirituality to reveal science-based methods that can awaken our uniquely human experiences of deep intuition, precognition, advanced states of self-healing, and much more.

Today, we’re globalizing in unprecedented ways — blending the cultures, economies, lifestyles, and religions of billions of people together to form one human family — yet we haven’t been given the tools to do this effectively, with the empathy and compassion necessary for creating cross-cultural understanding and mutual trust.

Gregg will share with you techniques that Western intelligence agencies have already begun using to optimize mental, psychological, and physiological performance…

… techniques you can use in your own home to awaken these extraordinary abilities in your everyday life so you can navigate in a healthy way through the turbulence and uncertainty of today’s world.

Ultimately, Human by Design will reveal to you an empowering story of hope and possibility — and give you the concrete tools and information you need to thrive in a time of extremes.

You’ll discover:

  • How to harmonize your heart and brain to create a single potent neural network you can tap to create deep intuition at will
  • How to enhance your ability to self-regulate so you can choose to create a powerful immune response, activate longevity enzymes, and move into the gamma state at will to access deep levels of perception
  • How we answer the question, “Who are we?” can throw open the door to positive, lasting change in the human condition
  • How to work with your mirror neurons to receive “biological permission” to initiate self-healing
  • Why it’s time to move beyond a belief in isolated nations and view all of humanity as one global, interconnected family
  • How the CIA, NSA, and U.S. military are leveraging new tools for optimizing mental, psychological, and physiological performance
  • Why a journey to the Tibetan cave of a great yogi mystic who lived 900 years ago supports a stunning new scientific discovery
  • Concrete tools that empower you to deal with whatever is happening in your life in a healthy way
  • The common origin themes among 12 Indigenous perspectives
  • How our evolution-based belief in competition and survival of the fittest can give way to a more loving and compassionate perspective
  • How neural plasticity can help to heal victims of trauma
  • And much more!

Get Human by Design – Gregg Braden, Only Price $64

What You’ll Discover in These 6 Modules

In this 6-module transformational intensive, Gregg will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to awaken the extraordinary abilities for self-healing and self-regulation that lie within you, enabling you to thrive in even the most stressful of environments.

Each contemplation and training session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to shift to a new, more positive paradigm with regard to the way you think about yourself and your relationship to others and to the world.

Module 1: Human by Design

Beyond Darwin’s Idea of Evolution

We live our lives, solve our problems, create our relationships, and care for our bodies based upon the way we’ve been taught to think of ourselves. Stunning new research has called into question 150 years of scientific thinking on everything from evolution and humanity’s origin to our relationship with other people and with the world. We’ve been taught that we’re powerless and insignificant beings living in a world of competition, conflict, separation, and struggle. This false belief is reflected in everything from how we approach our most intimate relationships to the social issues that are destroying our communities and societies today.

The good news is that new, science-based discoveries now give us concrete reasons to think of ourselves in expansive, powerful, healthy, and life-affirming ways. The better we know ourselves, the less we fear change in our personal lives — and the less we fear new cultures, new customs, and other people in our collective lives.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The new, science-based discoveries that are writing the new human story
  • The new DNA evidence that makes the current story of evolution and our origin obsolete
  • Why the discoveries matter to you, your healing, and your family
  • What the new human story means in your everyday life

Module 2: Coherence

The Key to Maximum Human Potential

The 1991 discovery of specialized cells in the human heart has revolutionized the way we think about the heart and the role it plays in our body. We now know that the heart and the brain function together as a powerful system that regulates everything from our ability to embrace change in a healthy way… to the degree of intuition available to us in our everyday lives… to our immune response… and even to the degree of longevity we enjoy in our lives. We also know that the ability to self-regulate the low-frequency signal between the heart and the brain is the key to awaken these extraordinary abilities — the same abilities that in the past have been relegated to monks, yogis, shamans, and mystics living in monasteries, nunneries, and other isolated locations in distant lands.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The 1991 discovery of the specialized cells in the heart and the new science of neurocardiology
  • Time-proven techniques for creating heart-brain coherence based upon the discoveries of modern science and the techniques developed in ancient and Indigenous traditions
  • The passive and active benefits of self-regulating heart-brain harmony
  • How to awaken extraordinary abilities such as deep intuition, enhanced perception, super learning, and much more!

Module 3: Thriving in Life’s Extremes

Super Learning & Personal Resilience

Your ability to embrace change in your life, on any level, begins in your heart. The greater you can optimize your heart’s beat-to-beat rhythm — your Heart Rate Variability (HRV) — the better equipped you are to deal with changes in your life in a healthy way. The good news is that you can increase and optimize your HRV, at any age, through the self-regulation of heart-brain coherence.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The powerful relationship between HRV and life resilience
  • The case histories that demonstrate the effectiveness of heart-brain harmony and personal resilience in everyday life
  • How gamma relates to the more familiar states of healing such as alpha, beta, and theta
  • How to access the gamma state on demand

Module 4: Deep Intuition

On Demand!

We’ve all experienced powerful moments of intuition that seem to happen spontaneously, such as when we have sudden insight and clarity regarding a job, relationship, or healthcare decision. While these powerful moments of clarity can change the course of our lives, we often find that when we most need our heart’s guidance, the conditions of stress, fear, and hurt make it difficult to access and trust this deep state of communion. The question then becomes: How do we tap deep intuition when we need it most, and do so on demand?

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • How to recognize the powerful difference between instinct and intuition
  • The unique signature of the language that your heart-based intelligence uses to communicate with you
  • The primer to test the messages from your heart
  • The confidence to trust your heart’s intelligence

Module 5: From Miracle to Technology

Bringing Extraordinary Experiences Into Everyday Life

In 2004, Italian scientists discovered specialized cells in the brain that allow us to learn — and our bodies to respond — to life conditions in an unexpected way. These cells become active both when we have an experience directly and when we see someone else having an experience. These specialized cells hold extraordinary implications for learning and healing, and have forever changed the way we think about our limits and our potential.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • Precisely what specialized “learning cells” are, and the power of where they’re located in your brain
  • How ancient mystics and teachers used these specialized cells to quickly catapult their students beyond their perceived limitations to realize their greatest potential
  • How to expose your brain’s learning cells to a demonstration of disease reversal and healing
  • How you can harness the potential of your learning cells, right now!

Module 6: One Hundred Twenty Years Old, But Who’s Counting?

Unleashing the Power of Your Longevity Enzyme!

Precise portions of the DNA in each cell of your body are recognized as the biological markers for health, rejuvenation, and longevity. When factors that sustain this DNA are compromised by aging and lifestyle choices, the cell’s ability to divide properly may be lost or impaired, resulting in symptoms that we recognize as “old age.” A 2009 discovery revealed how these markers function, and most importantly, how we can awaken a key enzyme in every cell that is designed to repair, heal, and rejuvenate these vital portions of our cells.

In this module, you’ll discover:

  • The new thinking regarding aging, cell deterioration, and the key genetic marker that can slow, and even reverse, the aging process
  • Case histories, including Gregg’s personal experience of encountering men and women living to advanced ages in monasteries he’s visited
  • The factor that most contributes to unhealthy aging
  • Key factors you can change today to support your body’s built-in longevity clock

The Human by Design Bonus Collection

In addition to Gregg’s transformative 6-module virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions. These bonus sessions complement the course — and promise to take your understanding and practice to an even deeper level.

Science Is Now in Forbidden Territory: Revelations of the Human DNA Studies

Video From Gregg Braden

Recent advances in technology now make it possible for scientists to extract the fossilized DNA from ancient forms of life — including the life forms previously believed to be our ancestors. In this supplemental video, Gregg offers additional explanation and details of those discoveries that did not fit into the format of your course, including his personal insights regarding where the evidence is leading and what it’s telling us.

Saving the World One Heart at a Time: Planetary Heart-based Coherence

Video From Gregg Braden

Scientists have long recognized a direct relationship between the magnetic field strength of our planet and the effect of that field upon human communities and societies — the earth/heart connection. In this video, Gregg describes the science of that connection, including a new discovery made in 2017 that sheds new light on our human/earth connection and how we can benefit from that connection in our everyday lives!

Get Human by Design – Gregg Braden, Only Price $64

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Human by Design – Gregg Braden
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