Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $32.00.

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Without question… the number one biggest key to attaining a high level of success is working personally with someone who’s already done what you want to achieve.

Accumulate more 32 Points (10.P = $1) when purchasing this course!


Buy Collection – Dani Johnson Course at EASYgift. After your order is successful, you will receive an email with a Username and password to log in to our website and download the course you have purchased. If you cannot download it, please wait for about 6 to 8 hours (due to the time zone difference ) and we will process it and send you a notification via email.

Without question… the number one biggest key to attaining a high level of success is working personally with someone who’s already done what you want to achieve.

Purchase Collection – Dani Johnson courses at here with PRICE $500 $32

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Dani Johnson – Prospecting & Closing Class

Without question… the number one biggest key to attaining a high level of success is working personally with someone who’s already done what you want to achieve. Mentoring and Coaching is absolutely the most valuable, priceless learning opportunity anyone can have in their life. Lack of it, is without question the biggest reason for failure, in any industry, business or pursuit of success in life.

Spend 4 weeks being coached by a RECRUITING master! If you are looking to increase your recruiting skills to amazing levels and you want to experience a dramatic and exponential increase of signup’s into your business, then this may be the opportunity for you!

Benefits YOU Will Receive from the 4 Week Session:

  • Those who are accepted into this class will experience significant increases in confidence levels while prospecting both in person and on the phone.
  • You and your team (those who hear about this class and register quickly) will learn how to build a rapport, control a conversation, master situational prospecting, phone prospecting and more!
  •  This class will increase your rapport building, relationship marketing and personal sales skills no matter what industry, business or career you are involved in.
  • Master the art of finding a need and filling it. Learn how to ask the key questions that identify another persons needs, wants, goals, strengths and desires.
  •  Learn how to lead them into your product or opportunity and learn how NOT to sell!
  •  This is an opportunity to be mentored and coached by someone who has a documented track record of producing 6 and 7 figure earners and raising up leadership in the home business networking industry.
  • Another MAJOR benefit of the group coaching concept, besides the savings you would be spending for 1 on 1 coaching with Dani… you’ll get to benefit from the breakthroughs of the other attendees as well. Think of it as a multiplied or synergistic learning experience.
  •  Classes are limited in size because Dani wants to make sure that every person who registers for the class gets some personal coaching with her. Classes will be completely interactive, you will be able to ask questions and role play directly with Dani.

Who This Coaching Class Is For?

Whether you build your business through the internet, home or hotel presentations, situational prospecting or working phone leads, you can benefit massively from joining this 4 week class regardless of your product, service or opportunity.

PROSPECTING and RECRUITING will be the focus of this 4 week session but the range of topics could vary. It all depends on the group and questions that are asked during each weekly session.

Dani Johnson – Magnetic Influence

Become A Powerful Magnet for Money, Charisma, Confidence, Love & Everlasting Satisfaction!

Forget your cheesy pickup lines that just don’t work.

Leave behind the feeling of having to do everything yourself cause you don’t trust or can’t get your team members to work.

That moment you realize as you’re trying to carry on an interesting conversation with your boyfriend or girlfriend over the phone…you didn’t.

Your business or career is dormant and hit a complete plateau in sales.

When you’re trying to fill your thin work schedule and bring in more business.

The super awkward moment of complete and utter silence in any given conversation.

When you are on the phone with a potential prospect and you stumble over your words trying very hard to close the sale.

Your business is doing well, but you are in need of a much needed vacation with your family but afraid to leave your place of business and risk losing what you’ve worked so hard to gain.

Or, when you’ve reached all your business and money goals, but your marriage is failing and your kids hate you.

Are any of these different scenarios YOU right now?

Have you noticed that sometimes what you need in life just doesn’t fall into place? Perhaps you’ve found yourself in one terrible relationship after another or you seem unable to shake off bad luck in your job, career, business and relationships. Or, you’ve met the perfect client or life partner and are having the time of your life. These experiences, both positive and negative, are evidence of a very powerful force active right now – you are either attracting failure or success to you. It’s called the Law of Attraction.

Law of Attraction – You attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative.

Maybe you’ve heard of “The Secret” or “The Law of Attraction” before, but have wondered how to translate these ideas into skills you can apply to your REAL LIFE. With Dani Johnson’s Magnetic Influence™, you can NOW deliberately attract success to every area of your life. There isn’t any environment, job, career, relationship, industry, or situation that Magnetic Influence™ can’t be applied to.

More Of What You Want & Less Of What You Don’t Want

  • attract YOUR ideal mate and ideal relationships
  • increase wealth and abundance
  • improve YOUR business, job/career with more customers, clients, and referrals
  • discover YOUR ideal job, true calling, or career
  • keep the relationships you already have and make them stronger
  • motivate and pull the best performance from your team members at your place of work
  • strike up a conversation with complete strangers or that HOT girl or guy that you’ve been eyeing for a long time
  • and more…

In Magnetic Influence™ Dani teaches you the “hidden skills” NO ONE else does. These “hidden skills” are skills that NO ONE should go through life without. These skills should be the quintessential part of your daily life and the #1 Common Denominator for SUCCESS in any environment, industry, job, career, relationship with boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, kids, next door neighbor, client….

Rekindle A Passionless Marriage, Mend Broken Relationships & Keep The Ones You Have

Many have used these skills to attract their dream mate, rekindle a passionless marriage, mend broken relationships, and keep or enhance the relationships you have. One client had divorce papers in hand when she decided to apply one technique with her soon to be ex-husband. Now they are again MADLY in love, reliving the passion from when they were first married!

Used By TOP Corporate Executives, Millionaires, Politicians & Celebs

You’ve seen those highly successful employees, entrepreneurs, CEO’s, millionaires, and celebrities who seem like ordinary people that got lucky right? Beep, wrong answer. Yes, most of them were ordinary people at one time, but they discovered some simple secrets to success in their careers and life most people never have had the opportunity to experience. No matter what you’ve heard before reading this, attracting success is NOT about being in the right place at the right time.

It’s about acquiring the skillset you need to get what you want in life.

How to get what you want is the present-day riddle that devours all who fail to answer it. Dani wants to show you the secrets to get what you want; the very same secrets she used to go from homeless to millionaire … the same secrets tens of thousands of clients worldwide, from stay-at-home-moms, to employees, to CEOs of companies in many industries have used to advance their careers, get pay raises and promotions faster than their peers, even in a down economy. The same skills that others have used to build 7 figure businesses. Get Your Copy TODAY!

Increase Wealth & Prosperity by Mastering People Skills

“Thanks to Magnetic Influence™, I made $11,000 in one day.” ~ Eddie Iduoze

“I was drowning in business, suffering in relationships, and a slave to debt! Since learning skills from Dani, I have invested $3,000 that multiplied to $20,000 in 3 months, increased business 100%, rebuilt my relationships, and paid off $6,500 in debt in just under 3 months! I just recently partnered in a new business opening soon; we already have done $2 million in sales.” ~ Kevin Epp

These skills took one woman from making nothing to $1.7 million in sales in just one year! Let’s be real folks. Money doesn’t come from trees. Money doesn’t fall from the sky. Money comes from PEOPLE. If you can master the art of people skills … building common ground, trust, value & attract success, which Dani lays out, step-by-step in Magnetic Influence™ … then the rest is easy.

Here’s MORE of What You’ll Receive From Magnetic Influence™:

Immediately get other people’s attention and watch how they gravitate towards you!

Become the “stand-out” candidate for any job or position.

How to pull the best out in others, for their benefit and yours.

How to create an eager desire in your spouse, kids or sales prospects.

Put your career (or business) on the fast track to hyper-growth that brings rapid advancement and promotions – in any economy.

Acquire the charisma, energy, power, influence, and confidence of a millionaire!

Isn’t It About Time You Applied These Skills To Get Your Ideal Life?

Dani will guide you through a step-by-step system, showing you how to:

Practice the Core Rapport Methodology™ to get people to like you, fall in love with you, and want to do anything for you.

Motivate yourself and others to take immediate action… defeating procrastination every time!

Impress prospective employers and ace any interview.

Mobilize everyone around you so they are constantly bringing YOU new business and are exposing your message.

Immediately get other people’s attention and watch how they gravitate towards you.

Get ahead in a changing world for a lifetime of happiness and satisfaction.

Until now, only a very small group of our clients that have been able to take advantage of Magnetic Influence™ and use it in their business, career/job, and relationships. Now you can have access to these success SECRETS too. If you’re ready to not struggle to motivate people in your team, acquire the influence, charisma, becoming a people magnet, and affect other people’s lives, then don’t miss this powerful success system! If you act fast, you’ll have the advantage of having these DVDs & CD in your personal library to listen to again and again.

Your SKILL level determines whether or not you will attract success. And just one of the skills covered in Magnetic Influence™ system could translate into thousands of dollars for you!

Dani Johnson – Dynamic Duplication

Dynamic Duplication DVD Training Program!

5 Entrepreneurial Levers To Building A Profitable & Duplicatable Home Business

  • How to turn your excuses into results over and over again!
  • Learn how your income follows your personal growth!
  • Learn the 5 Entrepeurnerial Levers that will explode your business growth and create personal success!
  • Learn how to FORM your initial contact!
  • Learn the formula for momentum!
  • Learn strategic insights to creating duplicatable results!

DVD #1: Turning Excuses Into Results

  • How to “get over it” and get rich!
  • Learn specific insights from an industry expert’s own experience!
  • The best way to approach learning your business for maximum growth and profits in the shortest period of time!
  • How to take control of what happens to your future and start live the life you want now!
  • Learn 4 tips that will jump start and accelerate your professional skill development!
  • Why a “no opinions, no excuses, no suggestions” mind set can make you unusually successful.
  • How to invest in yourself for your future!
  • The 98% “dead or dead broke” mentality, what it is and how to avoid it like the plaque!
  • How to take your results from an amateur to a professional in less than one weekend!
  • Learn how to avoid the things that are stopping your own growth!
  • How to develop the skills to build your business, build your sales force and build your personal character!

DVD #2: Income Follows Personal Growth

  • How to broaden your influence on people!
  • Learn what your value is to the marketplace!
  • How to create an eager want in your prospects!
  • How to maximize your personal skills!
  • Learn how to speak the language of your prospects!
  • Mirror the personality, tonality and desire of your prospect to make them like you
  • How to posture yourself to learn!
  • Make a friend in 4 minutes without selling
  • It’s not about perfection, it’s about getting results!
  • Work more on yourself than you do anyone else and you will be unusually successful!
  • The price of success is not equated in hours but in how far you will work on yourself!
  • How you think will determine the kind of success you will have!
  • How to help others get what they want and in doing so, you will gain what you want!

DVD #3: Mastering The Core Skill Sets

  • How to find your prospects’ needs, strengths and goals!
  • How to produce a successful business presentation!
  • How you should greet your prospect’s!
  • How to conduct a winning presentation, every time!
  • How to train your people while you close your prospects!
  • How to direct your people to the best training possible!
  • How to remain teachable while training others with your actions
  • How to lead by example!
  • What are the core skills that you must memorize, master and model in this industry!
  • How to close like a true professional!
  • How to give a business presentation that sets you apart from your competition!
  • Proper conduct and etiquette of a professional business developer!
  • Act like a millionaire before you even make your first check without being phony!

DVD #4: Forming Your Initial Contact

  • Learn how to let your prospects close themselves!
  • Learn what’s most important to your prospects!
  • How to control the conversation and be genuine!
  • How to identify your prospects’ goals!
  • How to leave an incredible first impression while never selling a thing!
  • Learn what successful people do that separates them from the average person and how to emulate that for your own success!
  • Do the opposite of what your competition is doing and beat them at their own game!
  • How to be yourself and have more people join you!
  • Learn to identify your prospects goals and lead them towards them!
  • Learn how to be genuinely interested in your prospects!
  • How to become a “people person” even if you don’t like people!
  • Learn how to lead a conversation with your prospects needs, strengths and goals!

DVD #5: The Formula For Momentum

  • How to maximize your efforts and results!
  • Learn to accelerate your business growth!
  • How to grow exponentially while you prospect!
  • How to recover and explode through mistakes!
  • How to build a fire out of prospects who don’t have money, time or desire and make a fortune in less than 24 hours!
  • How to stay on top of your game, make a lot of money and not burn out!
  • Make more money in less time without stress!
  • Discover what’s holding your business growth back!
  • Learn how to really impress your people, by making the business presentations look easy!
  • Learn how to manage your business and personal time!
  • How to accelerate your skills and increase your value to the marketplace!
  • Learn how to dynamically manage your sales force!

DVD #6: Insights and Strategies

  • How to build a strong rapport with your people!
  • How to position yourself and your people for success!
  • Learn how to be yourself and stay motivated!
  • How to minimize problem solving!
  • Help people make more money without going into co dependency in business!
  • What will make you the most money each and every month and keep your excitement in overdrive!
  • How to create volume out of thin air!
  • Have people calling you about your opportunity!
  • Say no to begging and yes to leverage!
  • How to avoid the recipe for failure!
  • How to consistently get more and more information from your prospects!

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Purchase Collection – Dani Johnson courses at here with PRICE $500 $32

Buy the Collection – Dani Johnson course at the best price at EASYGift. ,After you pay for your order you will gain immediate access to the downloads page. Here, you can download all associated files from your order. Additionally, we will send a download notification email to your provided email address.

Unlock your full potential with Collection – Dani Johnson courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

Why wait? Take the first step towards greatness by acquiring our Collection – Dani Johnson courses today. We offer a seamless and secure purchasing experience, ensuring your peace of mind. Rest assured that your financial information is safeguarded through our trusted payment gateways, Stripe and PayPal.

Stripe, known for its robust security measures, provides a safe and reliable payment process. Your sensitive data remains confidential throughout the transaction thanks to its encrypted technology. Your purchase is fully protected.

PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform, adds an extra layer of security. With its buyer protection program, you can make your purchase with confidence. PayPal ensures that your financial details are safeguarded, allowing you to focus on your learning journey.

Is it secure? to Use of?
  • Your identity is kept entirely confidential. We do not share your information with anyone. So, it is absolutely safe to buy the Collection – Dani Johnson course.
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  • All card numbers are encrypted using AES with a 256-bit key at rest. Transmitting card numbers occurs in a separate hosting environment and does not share or store any data.
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  • After your successful payment this “Collection – Dani Johnson course”, Most of the products will come to you immediately. But for some products were posted for offer. Please wait for our response, it might take a few hours due to the time zone difference.
  • If this occurs, please be patient. Our technical department will process the link shortly after, and you will receive notifications directly via email. We appreciate your patience.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
  • You will receive a download link in the invoice or YOUR ACCOUNT.
  • The course link is always accessible through your account. Simply log in to download the Collection – Dani Johnson course whenever you need it.
  • You only need to visit a single link, and you can get all the Collection – Dani Johnson course content at once.
  • You can choose to learn online or download for better results, and you can study anywhere on any device. Please ensure that your system does not enter sleep mode during the download.
How Do I Track Order?
  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.
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Collection – Dani Johnson
Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $32.00. Add to cart